Things To Avoid while Designing Kitchens


The first common kitchen design mistake we see a lot involves the creation of an absolutely beautiful-looking space… that lacks anywhere near enough room to store everything!

And when you think about it, that just doesn’t work at all. A kitchen is, first and foremost, a practical space. We’re all for style, but you need some substance, too.

We all need to think about gadgets, designs and almost every aspect while designing Kitchen.

Practical Need Of Space 

The need for practicality also extends to the most basic elements of kitchen usage. It’s no good having a beautiful space with enough storage for every item and foodstuff, but nowhere practical to chop food, mix ingredients, cook, plus wash items and leave them to drip-dry. Add in that fact that in some kitchens you’ll also want somewhere to eat, relax and socialize. Not factoring in all of these things and weighing up their importance to you before you start designing, is another common kitchen interior design mistake to avoid.

Timeless Beauty

A brand-new kitchen is a big commitment, not to mention an expensive one. The last thing you want is a space that looks funky and fresh now but looks out of date just a year or two down the line!

While it is perfectly possible to bring in modern kitchen design ideas, we like to fuse them with a classic finish that gives the space a timeless look.
